Saturday, April 19, 2008

Good result doesn't equal good race

My second race ever - first 5k - taught me that a good result doesn't necessarily equate to a good race. This morning, I ran my first 5k race, the Youth Villages 5k. My running partner, Debbie couldn't make it because her daughter had a soccer game. I was on my own. I knew that I had problems with pacing myself but it became painfully obvious that I had a big issue with pacing during the first mile... I asked myself several times what in the world I was doing running like an idiot during that first mile. I logged in at the first mile mark at 7 minutes even, it was all downhill from there.

Apparently, the clock thought I didn't do half a bad job since I came in 5th female overall in 23:29. I didn't get to be classified in my age category because I made it in the top 5 females. So it leads to the question, what's best: 1st in your age group or 5th overall... I don't know, I almost think that 1st in your age group is cooler. What do I know? I am still a novice!

My husband is appalled by the fact that I've become some competitive. It's the kettled calling the pot black by the way! He and the kids were cheering me on in the last few hundred feet and when I passed the finish line I told him that I thought only 3 females were ahead of me, he told me he didn't think so (he was right, there were 4), that "HOARDS" of people had made it ahead of me. At least I know he'll keep me grounded in case I get a case of big head! ;)

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