Another terrible 5k. Last night, Anthony, our friend Elizabeth and I ran the
Firecracker 5k for St. Jude. I am just not cut for running 5
k's. The first mile was OK, jumping over bodies, sticking my elbows out to make sure no one would trip me: it was crowded. I looked down at my
Garmin a few times and I was around the 7 min/mile mark, even went sub-7 a couple of times. It all went downhill from there! I finished in
23:47, not stellar, 18 seconds slower than my last (and first ever!) 5k. I suppose that being two weeks back into training after a month off just didn't work in my favor! I ended up 12
th in my age group out of 152, so that's not too bad.

Before and after the race pictures!
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