At the beginning of the year, shortly after moving to the Big D, I decided to register to run my 3rd 1/2 marathon, Heels and Hills and Him. It was scheduled for May. The week before the race, instead of being excited about it, I started dreading it. My typical reaction, when not prepared.
It had been raining a lot in the week coming up to the race and the day before the race messages started to appear on the race web site indicating that they'd be keeping a close eye on the weather. The morning of the race, I got up before the crack of dawn, only to find out that the race had been postponed. Not cancelled, just postponed to September. How amazing is that? We all got the chance to re-register for the September race for free, well actually if I remember correctly the 3rd party vendor doing the online registration charged us $5.
Got up on race day, went through my usual routine, headed to the race site, got there way too early and met up with "the girls": Ardis, Seena, Anne, Dawnda, Sharon & co. My stomach still wasn't feeling great.

I joined the 1:45 "group" at the starting line. The "group" consisted of a bunch of amazing runners: Shaheen, Mark O., Michael H. and Claudia. Shaheen was the official pace leader and Claudia and I each ended up with our own personal pacing superstar. The first few miles, it looked like we had a party going, we were so excited, shouting, having fun. Michael kept
us VERY entertained. He actually did the Hokey Pokey running backwards right in front of us. I was working hard trying to run forward and the dude is running backwards doing the hokey pokey in front of me... needless to say, we laughed a lot!
Fortunately, I didn't realize that it was a straight out and back course on a paved trail because I probably would have stayed in bed. Around mile 6, I broke ahead of the group a little bit and shortly there after, I passed the turning point and started passing runners heading to the turning point. As much as I didn't like the course, everyone's spirit was so encouraging and inspiring. We were shouting at each other, telling each other "good job", "looking good", etc. and there also were inspirational messages every half miles or so. My favorite being "Who's idea was this anyway?" :)
Shaheen, Mark & I
Around mile 8, Mark, my very own personal pacer caught up with me and that's when the fun began. That's right when it started to get really hot and humid. Apparently, the weather didn't get the memo that it was the end of September, or rather, it didn't care. It's Texas after all!
Mile 8 to 10 went fine but I really hit the wall at mile 10. It was horrible. Poor Mark had to listen to my "I can't do it" whining for 3.1 miles. Not pretty, definitely not my finest moment. Shaheen caught up with us in the home stretch. She figured since she didn't have anyone to pace, she didn't have to keep the official pacing time. Keep in mind that 1:45 is a fall-asleep kind of pace for her!
I wish I could say I finished strong in 1:42:49 but it was rather pathetic! I placed 1st in my age
group, 4th female overall and 22nd runner to cross the finish line.
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